
Setting Up A Website Go Back Button

If you want to attract customers online, the first thing you need to do is setup an online presence. Pretty obvious. However, the biggest mistake most travel agent make is taking their online storefront for granted. Many travel agents seem to have given up in their attempt of trying to build an online brand. Even if they do have a website, it is very poorly done, or it is some generic booking engine provided to them by their host agency, that every other agent working for that host agency so happen to have. If you are serious about having customers find you online and being confident enough in your service to fill out and submit that inquiry form, you need to be serious about what type of website you put up to represent who you are.

Register A Domain Name 

The first thing you need to do is come up with a catchy name for your travel business. Make the name fun and self-identifiable. Your name brand should say something about what type of service you offer. Once you have created a name for your travel business, register a domain name. No one will remember a website URL that looks like this: You need to have a domain name that you can share with others, and they will easily remember without having to look at your business card. Your website should be as simple as

Pick A Theme

Determine what type of atmosphere you want to create on your website. What sort of niche subject does your travel brand represent? Once you have discovered this, pick a theme for your site that will represent the niche products and services you offer. The theme includes website logo, site colors, images, and layout. These are all things that will help customers quickly identify exactly what you do the minute they land on your site.

Get A Professional Design

This is the key to becoming a customer magnet online. Pardon, my language but a shitty looking website equals no customers. The beauty of the Internet is that it creates parity on some levels. You do not need to have a swanky office on the top floor of a 100 Story building in the city to look big online. All it takes is some creative thought and a good designer, and you can look as good as any of the billion dollar travel websites, for a relatively small investment. Don't forget the importance of ensuring that your site design is mobile friendly. More than half of your potential clients will be searching the Internet via a mobile device, so your site must be designed for optimal viewing on mobile devices.

If you want to look like a pro online, gain consumer confidence, build a brand and inevitably generate leads online, you have to invest thought and effort in the setting process of your travel website.

Get A Custom Designed Online Niche Travel Franchise

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