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Travel is a universal language. Almost every person you meet enjoys talking about travelling and the different experiences they get to enjoy being somewhere new. So your decision to pursuit a career as a travel specialist guarantees that you will be participating in an industry with unlimited market potential.

With more than 7 Trillion dollars in gross annual revenue, Travel is one of the largest consumer industries in the world, directly and indirectly creating almost 300 million jobs, making up close to 10% of total global employment.  As an industry professional, your activities will play a vital role in helping the continued success of an industry that is contributing positively to billions of lives worldwide. It is important that you take this role seriously, by simply playing your part with honor and integrity as millions of others are doing today.

While this guide is not a formal training resource that will get you all the information and certifications you need to start your career as a travel professional, we hope it provides enough information to set the standards for what can be expected once you have started your career as a travel agent.


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