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Top 5 Ways To Promote Your Travel Website

With so many platforms out their, like The TravelNet that makes it easy for you to put up a website and have your online business up and running in no time, owning a website is no longer an issue. However the key factor in whether your online travel business is successful or not, is how well you are at promoting your travel website. 

There are over 1 billion website on the world wide web, so simply existing on the internet is not enough to get a lot of customers to your site. When you start a new website your only goal should be getting your target customers to find you online. There are many ways to drive traffic to your site, however, not all methods will get you the right traffic and  trying to do them all can sometimes be counterproductive. Here are 5 effective strategies you can use to promote and get traffic to your travel website. 

1. Start Blogging About Travel

You have probably heard this about a million times before but still a lot of people refuse to do it. Writing or sharing useful articles on your site and on other third party sites, is by far the number one way to attract more visitors and more leads for your business. When people are looking to travel, they want to know as much about the destination they are travelling to as possible. If you don’t believe me, ask Trip Advisor. If your website becomes the resource that provided the answers they need, inevitably they will look to you as the expert to help them arrange their travel plans. The key to a successful online blog campaign is keeping your subject narrow. Travel is such a broad topic with so many different things to write and talk about. Don’t get caught up in random pieces of information. Focus on a niche topic that you can provide value and expertise in. 

2. Effective Social Media Marketing

I used the word “Effectively” purposely to simply suggest that in order for your social media campaign to be successful, it’s important that a proper approach is being used. There are so many social media websites out there, and of course the most natural thinking for any type of entrepreneur is that they should have a presence on everyone. That would be nice wouldn’t it? Well, unless you are a multi-million dollar organization with a full team dedicated to just social media marketing, this is not possible. You need to identify which one or two social media sites your target customers use the most, and focus your efforts on those. If your business is selling travel online, then you may want to identify which social media platform the more mature working class community are using as they are the ones that are most likely going to be able to afford your travel packages. Facebook is the first that comes to mind. Not only because the average user age is a little higher than the other social media platforms, but also because the average Facebook users spends over 30 minutes per visit. That is a lot of time to get some brand exposure

3. Email Marketing

Your most valuable asset in any business is your customer database and your contact list. Once you have setup your travel website, if you have not started yet, start building an email list of all your past customers, and make sure site visitors can easily subscribe to your mailing list if they visit your website and they are interested in what you are offering. Capturing emails and building a customer database is the first step, the second part of the formula is setting up a email marketing campaign to send offerings to those customers inbox weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. There are a lot of newsletter marketing tools available that you can subscribe to. Most of them come with a monthly cost depending on the total number of subscribers you have. If you are using The TravelNet to power your travel website, email list building and newsletter marketing tools are included in your subscription so you can save a significant monthly cost on your email marketing campaign. 

4. Give Something Away

Free works all the time. It doesn’t matter how small, offering visitors some incentive to visit, share or make a purchase on our website is one of the best ways to trigger visitor engagement. There are many amazing perks that comes with being a Travel Agent. If you have established relationships with vendors and suppliers, some of the incentives they offer to you, offer them back to your website visitors and customers. Discounts, complimentary services, resort vouchers, whatever it is, give something back to your visitors and you will gain their business, their loyalty and most importantly, their referrals. 

5. Share Reviews And Testimonials

A good story always sells. When you provide exceptional service for a client, they may have something nice they want to tell others about you. Make sure you get that customer testimonial, post it on your website, and share it on social media and in your newsletters. Your website visitors will care more about what others have to say about you than what you have to say about yourself. Make it your duty to provide top notch service for every single client, and once you have done that, do not be afraid to ask them for a positive review or testimonial that you can share on your website and it other places that you market. 


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